Criminal Charge:
Case: State v. Prashan Shakya
Court: [CM-09-941][Bryan]
Result: Case Dismissed
As a young, out-of-state college student, Prashan was a passenger in a traffic stop when law enforcement found marijuana in the center console. In this country on student visas, both Prashan and the driver were intimidated by the prospect of American jail and relented to pressure to enter pleas for deferred, no jail time sentences. He returned to school, discharged his short probation easily, graduated and went to work. He thought it was over.
Years later, a successful young IT professional in North Dallas, Prashan learned the guilty plea could result in his removal from the USA.
Haslam inspected the old court proceedings and learned he was not represented by a lawyer and no record was made of the plea. After negotiations with the reasonable prosecutor, Haslam filed a motion, presented an agreed order to void the conviction to the judge, and the entire case was dismissed going back to the original sentencing.