Theft of Property > $2500 [Dallas]

Case Dismissed

Criminal Charge: Theft of Property > $2500
Case: State v. Candace Brody [F-16-48478][Dallas]
Result: Dismissal

Summary:  Ms. Brody was charged with stealing money from her cafe employer by loading gift cards, selling them to third parties and pocketing the cash. The Dallas County DA floundered in its theory of just how this happened but eventually claimed the café surveillance video evidenced this behavior.

Curiously, the DCDA didn’t have an indictment after almost two years. Suspecting a problem, Haslam began filing demands for a speedy trial:  First Speedy Trial Demand | Second Speedy Trial Demand.

When the prosecutor eventually managed an indictment, Haslam filed his motion to dismiss the case for want of a speedy trial.

Haslam argued the motion to the Dallas County District Court at a hearing on the motion to dismiss. After hearing from Haslam and the prosecutor’s objections, the judge granted Haslam’s motion for dismissal.