Criminal Charge: Probation Violation
Case: State v. Decarla Ardrey
Court: [CF-00-6469, Tulsa County]
Result: Case Dismissed
Ms. Ardrey was incarcerated in a Louisiana prison and feared that Tulsa County would imprison her on an Oklahoma probation violation immediately upon her discharge of the Louisiana sentence. It appeared that Tulsa County was intentionally waiting to conduct her sentencing on the probation violation until Louisiana released her. This was going to prevent her sentence on the Oklahoma probation violation from beginning until she was released in Louisiana.
Haslam filed a motion urging the immediate return of DeCarla from Louisiana to Tulsa County to be sentenced. Rather than finance the return of Decarla to Tulsa County to be sentenced, then finance her return to Louisiana to discharge her sentence there, and then finance a second return to Oklahoma to begin her sentence on the relatively insignificant Oklahoma probation violation,Tulsa County very reasonably elected to DISMISS the probation violation case against her. DeCarla discharged her Louisiana sentence and never served a day on the Oklahoma probation violation.